Updates made in April 2018 are:

Custom Duration (time) Product Option Added

So you can have, for example, a product that is 3, 5 or 7 hours long.

Multi Language Support Added for Product Names

So you can enter these in multiple languages and users will see product names in their language of choice, eg Double Room and ダブルルーム or All Day Ski Lesson and 1日スキーレッスン

Ski School Timesheet Report – Allow Reporting by Gross or Net

So you can choose to measure performance based on gross or net sales.

Bring into Package Opened up for Agent Bookings

This means you you will be able to, for example, bring a booking for a 3rd party guest service into an agent booking for your accommodation.

Payment Methods ‘Expedia Collect”, “Booking.com Paid Online”, Jalan Points” and “Jalan Coupon” added

For easy recording of OTA payments.