For accommodation vendors with support for Guest, City and Advance Ledgers plus payments and general overview.


Report can be run for all vendors in the account or an accommodation vendor can be chosen. If no accommodation vendor is selected then Ledgers and Payments will include all packages, if a vendor is selected then only packages containing a booking for that vendor will be included.

Time Periods

Values are reported for time periods, today, this year this month to date (MTD), this year to date (YTD), last year this MTD and last year YTD and a comparison between the 2 YTD values.


Values reported are calculated using the following definitions:

General Overview

Total Room Sales Gross – Total gross for accommodation sales for accommodation provided in the period. Pro rated for bookings overlapping the period.

Total Room Sales Net – Total net for accommodation sales for accommodation provided in the period. Uses nightly rates if present, pro rates if not.

Total Rooms Nights Sold – Total room nights occupied by paying bookings in period.

Total Room Nights Occupied – Total room nights occupied in period.

Total Room Nights to Sell – Total room nights not occupied by zero value bookings in period (ie. available to be sold).

Total Number of Units – Total number of units at time report run.

ADR (Average Daily Rate) – ADR = Total Room Sales Net / Total Rooms Nights Sold for the period.

RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room) – RevPAR = (Total Room Sales Net / Total Rooms to Sell for the period) * Number of nights in period.

Occupancy – Occupancy = Total Rooms Sold / Total Rooms to Sell

Pax Room Nights – Number of guest room nights in period.

Vacant Room Nights – Number of unsold available nights.

Arrivals Pax – Number of guests on booking elements arriving in the period.


Guest Ledger

Booking revenue and payments for packages which contain an in house accommodation booking are included in the guest ledger. (In house packages contain an accommodation booking element with a start date before or equal to the report date and an accommodation booking element with an end date greater than the report date.)

  • In calculating the Guest Ledger for packages containing both accommodation and service bookings, payments are applied to the Guest Ledger (Accom) first with any balance greater than the cost of the accommodation on the booking then applied to the Guest Ledger(Services).
  • The guest ledger is -ve for money held and +ve for money owed.
  • Packages containing no accommodation booking never appear on the Guest Ledger.
  • Charge routing is taken into account when calculating ledgers.

Guest Ledger (Accom) Ending Balance

The value reported here is the difference between the payments applied to the Guest Ledger (Accom) and the net for all nights between the check in date and the report date.

Guest Ledger (Services) Ending Balance

The value reported here is the difference between the payments applied to the Guest Ledger (Services)  and the sell price of service reservations in inhouse packages.

City Ledger Ending Balance

The value reported here includes outstanding balances on packages containing accommodation bookings that have all checked out and outstanding balances on packages not containing accommodation that have commenced. ie The shortfall of payments on any packages that do not contain accommodation and have commenced is immediately included in the City Ledger. For packages containing accommodation any shortfall is included in the Guest Ledger when the booking is in house and passes to the City Ledger on check out.

Advance Ledger Ending Balance

Money held for bookings that have not yet checked in/commenced.

Avg Daily GL (Accom) Balance

The average Guest Ledger (Accom) value for the period.

Avg Daily GL (Services) Balance

The average Guest Ledger (Services) value for the period.

Avg Daily CL Balance

The average City Ledger value for the period.

Avg Daily AL Balance

The average Advance Ledger value for the period.


The payments area of the Manager Report reflects all payments by method for the periods of the report. There is one row for the total payments received in a period, and one row for the total payments by each payment method received in a period. Payments includes payments for bookings for 3rd party vendors as well as bookings for your vendors.

Non Managed Vendors

Bookings for non managed accommodation vendors are excluded from the Accommodation Statistics and All Ledgers, they are included in the Payments section.


The graphs here show:

Occupancy by Date for the current Summer/Winter period with series:

  • Last year final
  • Last year at this time
  • Last week
  • Current

Sales by Date for the current Summer/Winter period with series:

  • Last year final
  • Last year at this time
  • Last week
  • Current

Cumulative Sales for the current Summer/Winter period with series:

  • Last year
  • Current

Occupancy by Date for the next Summer/Winter period with series:

  • Last year final
  • Last year at this time
  • Last week
  • Current

Sales by Date for the next Summer/Winter period with series:

  • Last year final
  • Last year at this time
  • Last week
  • Current

Cumulative Sales for the next Summer/Winter period with series:

  • Last year
  • Current