RoomBoss provides a tablet friendly, paper-free interface for managing your ski school lineup.

Ski School check in displays details of all the lessons on a selected day, and allows you to set each lesson as having checked in once the guests arrive.

Choose the date of interest and, for accounts with multiple vendors, select the vendor you wish to view.


Results can be filtered by product category and product and you can search the lead guest name, booking notes or or any of the product options for a text string.


Notes on Tablet Check in

Tap tablet5 to check in a lesson.

Tap tablet6 to uncheck a lesson that has been checked in.

Multi day lessons can be checked in each day.

Changes can only be made to the check in/out status of the lesson for bookings today.

Checked in lessons move to bottom when the page is refreshed.

Scheduling Notes

Scheduling notes set on the booking inside RoomBoss are visible and editable here.

Blocking Check in With Flags

It is possible to block check in for a lesson by setting a flag on a bookings edit booking page inside RoomBoss.

There are 4 flags Red, Green, Blue and Orange. You can associate any meaning you want to each colour, but they might be taken to mean:

  • Red – Unpaid
  • Green – Waiver form not signed
  • Blue – Contact Supervisor
  • Orange –  Other

Note: once an lesson is flagged check in will not be possible until the flag is removed inside RoomBoss.

Lesson Check-In Report

Check in Status is reported inside your RoomBoss account:

Navigate → Reports → Lesson Check-In Report

Users with Check-in User permission can use the check in page.