Updates made in November 2014 are:

1 – Changes To Reservation Accounting – Package Level Invoicing

After the upgrade, invoicing will be performed at the package-level rather than the booking-level.

  • There will no longer be a Financial section within each booking.
  • Invoice(s) and payment(s) will be managed on the Financial tab and apply to all bookings in the package.
  • Invoice and receipt PDFs, and the Customer Intranet, will show items from all bookings in the package.

Please go to the Financial tab to manage invoices and payments.


Invoicing 3rd Party Services

After the upgrade, it will be possible to seamlessly add 3rd party services (such as transfers, lift passes, ski rental and ski school) to invoices you issue to customers.

  • Order services from suppliers, and charge your customer for them, with one easy process.
  • Bookings for 3rd party services now have an additional Sell Price field. This is the amount that your customer pays to you.
  • The Sell Price will default to the standard retail cost for all new bookings.
  • You can edit the Sell Price if you wish to charge your customer a different amount.


Please take note of the Sell Price of 3rd party services that you offer to your customers. The sale price will revert to the standard retail cost if the details of a booking are changed.

2 – Changes To Guest Intranet

After the upgrade, the guest intranet will display multiple services booked for the same guest as tabs within the same booking.

Your guest can view all the items associated with their booking using any of the booking ids and their email address.

The booking’s total cost and invoice details are displayed at the bottom of each page.


Notes on the new guest intranet:

  • Your contact email address and telephone number will now be displayed at the top of the booking to set these please see Set Contact Details.
  • You can quote on additional services without making a request with the supplier by using the INTERNAL order type. An INTERNAL order will show on the guest intranet and be included in the total price but will not be sent to the supplier until the order type is changed to request.
  • Customer Intranet Message, 3rd parties’ customer intranet messages will not show on the guest intranet. Instructions and terms and conditions should be covered in your messages to guests.

Cancelled services:

  • Cancelled services will still show on the guest intranet page, the the sell price for the cancelled service will be included in the booking’s total cost.
  • When cancelling a service; the sell price should be set to equal the cancellation fee for that booking (or zero in the case where there is no fee).
  • Sell price cannot be edited after a booking has been cancelled this must be edited prior to changing the service’s state to cancelled.

3 – Housekeeping v2 Beta

4 – Reservations Processing Notes

The following notes cover measures necessary to use RoomBoss in the circumstances indicated:

Cancelling A Booking Within A Package.

When cancelling booking within a package cancelled items will still be included in the total price of the package, unless they are removed from the package.

When cancelling a booking, set the Sell Price of the booking to the cancellation fee (zero if no fee) then cancel the booking.

Removing a booking from a package.

A booking can be removed from a package by clicking the package_delete link in the package overview area at the top of the page then ok in confirmation window.

Bookings that have been removed from packages will no longer be included in the invoices and receipts or visible on the guest intranet link for the package.