In order to facilitate making charges to a guest who has booked via an agent, it is possible to add invoices for both the agent and the guest to packages.

An example scenario would be, a guest has booked our accommodation, Block 1, via a travel agent, Agent 1, and then during their stay books guest services direct with us.

How do we invoice the agent for the accommodation and the guest for the guest services on the same package?

This is possible with charge routing.

First we add the guest services booking to the agent booking, using add to package:

When adding to package we can choose to add the booking source as us My Units or the agent Agent 1. If we chose Agent 1 then charges would appear on invoices for the agent. In this case, as we are invoicing the guest directly, we choose ourselves My Units.

This gives us a package some of which should be paid by the agent and some by the guest. Looking at the financial tab for the package we see:

There are 3 tables for this booking, one each for charges to be paid by the agent and the guest and an overview of all charges on the package. Looking at the invoiced amounts in each table we can see that:

  1. The 200,000 Yen has been invoiced on our 225,000 Yen package, this is shown red as we have an amount to invoice
  2. The agent has been invoiced for the full 200,000 Yen amount for the accommodation
  3. The guest has an outstanding, unvoiced 25,000 Yen, this is shown red as we have an amount to invoice

We now need to invoice the guest.

When adding invoices for package containing bookings for both agent and guest we can now choose who will be paying the bill by setting the Charge Route. Once a charge route is chosen, the invoice wizard will make calculations based on the outstanding amount for the selected charge route. Adding an invoice for the outstanding amount for the guest gives:

We can now see that the package is invoiced in full as the cost and invoiced columns match in all three tables.

Notes on charge routing :

  • It is also possible to add bookings for a 3rd party vendor to an agent booking.
  • If you are adding bookings for a 3rd party vendor to an agent booking it is only possible to charge these to the guest, it is not possible to invoice the agent for services provided by a 3rd party.