To confirm a reservation, access the booking request in RoomBoss.
To see recent RoomBoss booking requests:
Navigate→ Home
You can seerecent requests under the Recent Booking Requests bar.
To see older booking requests:
Navigate → Bookings → Search Bookings
You can search for the request using the reference number in the email and the Search by ID tab.
To confirm the booking, edit the Booking Status information Order Type to RESERVATION and Save, this booking is now using availability from your inventory. Note that this change will not generate a notification email.
Note: You will not be able to confirm the booking if there are no rooms available, in this case try a different room type or discontinue the booking process.
Booking Wizard
You can enter a new booking that has not come via a RoomBoss inquiry using the booking wizard:
Navigate → Bookings → New Booking
Click Wizard Booking
Follow the steps though to make the booking.